SKArating helps landlords and tenants assess fit-out projects against a set of sustainability good practice criteria.
It is estimated that 11% of UK construction spending is on fit-outs and that
buildings may have 30-40 fit-outs during their lifecycle.
Project teams interested in fitting out spaces in an environmentally sustainable way can use the SKA rating method to:

Carry out an informal self- assessment of the environmental performance of their fit-out.

Commission a quality-assured assessment and certificate from an accredited SKA assessor.

Obtain clear guidance on good practice in fit-out and how to implement it.

Benchmark the performance of fit-outs against each other and the rest of the industry.
The below resources are signposts to tools and releated features of the scheme.

News & Events
Please find below posts with news and events around the scheme and it’s various aspects.
SKArating for Offices v2.0 scheme update and developments
In this podcast, Elina Grigoriou and Dave Wakelin, board members of SKArating, discuss the evolution and updates to the Offices scheme following the industry workshops and research stages in 2024. They also touch on...
We are pleased to announce that the new SKArating Pathways are now live!
Competent Professional Training & Accreditation The Competent Professional course is created for those looking to explore the scheme in more depth without becoming an assessor, this pathway offers comprehensive...
Introducing the new SKArating Professional Pathway!
We are delighted to announce changes to the scheme. With these improvements, we aim for high standards, improve the quality and effectiveness of SKArating, and provide greater openness and transparency for users and...
SKArating is evolving, with new pathways coming very soon!
We are pleased to announce that important updates to our scheme are being introduced over the next month. These changes aim to improve the quality and effectiveness of SKArating, increasing openness and transparency,...
The new UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard Pilot is live!
We’re thrilled to see the launch of the UK’s first cross-industry Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard Pilot for net zero carbon-aligned buildings, our Board members and scheme researchers have contributed at various...
A call for case studies
We are looking for SKArating case studies to be featured as showpieces for all current schemes. If you have a project, office, shop, restaurant, university space etc that you believe shows exceptional examples of...
Offices Scheme Update – Part 2
Thank you to all of you that have come forward so far to register your interest for the Offices v2 scheme update. We are now able to share more details of how we will go about the scheme update. We will be hosting...
Offices Scheme Update
One of our priorities in the scheme’s development is the update of the Offices scheme. This year it is to undergo an update, both in scope and criteria, and we are looking for assessors and other experienced fit-out...
Project Certification Fee Increase (update)
As an update to our "Project Certification Fee Increase" post on the 15th Dec 2023, there is an upcoming fee increase on the SKA rating certificate for the assessment of projects. The fee will increase from March 4th...
Your accreditation can now be processed
Hello Assessors! Your annual accreditation can now be processed, you have until February 26th to retain your place in the assessors directory and maintain assessor credentials on the online tool. A few things to note:...
Scheme Good Practice Measures
Good Practice Measures are documents containing the criteria, scope guidance and evidence required to meet and demonstrate compliance with SKA rating requirements. The documents can be downloaded below by clicking on the scheme you wish to refer to.
SKA Rating Ltd has been established as a not-for-profit business. All revenue generated through accreditation of projects and assessors, training of assessors and licencing of SKA compliant materials will be invested in the development of the scheme. The board directors are all providing their time voluntarily and will not take salaries or benefits from Ska Rating Ltd. We are very clear that we want SKA Rating to be a tool owned by the fit-out industry for the benefit of the sustainable fit-out sector.
Meet the board
Our leadership team is passionate about promoting sustainable fit-out, and has been involved in managing SKA Rating since its launch. Our directors have managed the technical development and training aspects of the tool since its release, and are committed to its continued development and adoption across the fit-out industry. We are giving our time voluntarily to develop and grow the tool and promote its adoption across the sector.

Elina Grigoriou
I’ve chaired the SKA Technical Committee since 2008 and the tool’s ongoing development over the years. SKA rating has a key role to play in the industry to support systemic changes and true sustainability and I’m delighted to be part of it.

Joe Croft
Having worked contractor and consultant side on many SKA Offices projects, I became heavily involved in SKA rating during the development and launch of the HE scheme. I’m thrilled to be a part of the next chapter of SKA rating’s growth.

Charlie Law
As an experienced sustainability professional with strong sector links, and being a long-term member of the SKA rating technical committee, I am excited to be involved in the next chapter of the SKA journey.

Iain McIlwee
The FIS has been a key member of SKA rating’s technical committee for over 10 years. We’re here to demonstrate FIS’s committed to sustainability and support the growth of SKA rating.